Can you believe we are almost over with most of the festive season, the New Year is all done and gone are those festive eats (not sure should I be happy or sad though…I Miss some of those lavish food). Okay, getting back to our Best Artichoke Garlic Hummus and some of you might even be wondering WHY am I call it so…well, here it goes…. Three hours before a gameday at friends house, she calls and tells me ‘Oh the guys have requested if we could get your ‘Homemade Spicy Hummus’ – AWESOME!.3 hours, 1/2 can of garbanzo beans and no time to soak n boil the new ones – #BAZINGA was the word that flashed my mind!! My instant answer was ‘Can’t Do It’ !! let’s buy some from the store as you can’t make a dip for a party of 12 adults with just 1/2 can of garbanzo beans.But then I remembered this ‘artichoke hummus’ I’d made a couple of months back and it was a super hit. So, the pantry + fridge was investigated (perks of being an ingredient hoarder) and to our luck, we did have a jar of pickled artichoke, fava bean can, frozen edamame and of course. Our 1/2 can of garbanzo beans – Helllloooo The Best Artichoke Garlic Hummus, here I come!
I was never so excited and proud of my hoarding kitchen ingredients before this for sure. So I quickly grabbed them all and made this Best Artichoke Garlic Hummus or what you can call a ‘kitchen sink hummus’ cause it’s literally made of all leftover stuff except the new artichoke pickle jar. Although, I’m calling it a kitchen sink recipe you would be definitely blown away by the taste and look of it. It tastes nothing less than a gourmet dip with half the price.
Process of Making the Best Artichoke Garlic Hummus
First: I began by blending the ‘tahini + lemon juice + oil’ – as this results in an extremely creamy mixture. Second: Then I mixed the ‘garlic + artichoke’ – this helps break them both evenly and slightly more for garlic (you don’t want uneven chunks of garlic overpowering the hummus). Third: Finally mixing the beans together and blending everything for a tad extra minute for that rich creamy blend. (Now, if you like it chunkier, you can stop as soon as the beans mix) While hubs getting ready, I’m almost done making The Best Artichoke Garlic Hummus and before we left for the party, I clicked these pictures to share with you’ll (and of course some taste test is also important). The dip was a hit at the game night and it was eaten with almost all the finger food including breadsticks. So I feel pretty proud saying that everyone really loved it and ar eagerly waiting for this post to grab the recipes. While I go and nosh on some leftover, I hope you get these ingredients ready to make this for your incoming gameday party. Oh and did I mention, it’s completely Vegan & Glutenfree + Healthy – So we can definitely stick to our Healthy goals while noshing in this delight! ————— Tried Our Recipe – AWESOME!!! Now Quickly SNAP A PICTURE & TAG : #easycookingwithmolly + @easycookingwithmolly on Instagram –> Connect with Me Here: Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram