‘When Life gives you Lemons’, make the most of it like this Super Yummm, Fun & Good for You Quik Cherry Vodka Lemonade !!!

Ingredients for Quik Cherry Vodka Lemonade

2 Bottle Tart Cherry Juice 1/4 Cup Vodka 1/4 Cup Simple Syrup 4 Tbsp Lemon/Lime Juice – fresh preferred Ice Cubes + Serving Glasses Cherries + Lime – for garnish


Whenever work gets to use or just life in general, we usually need a drink that’s easy, delicious (seriously Kale juice doesn’t work on certain days) and hits the right spot. And this Cherry Vodka Lemonade hits everything for us 🙂 And the most fun part, we found a 100% Tart Cherry Juice (no concentration or kinda juice mix) as for a drink this simple, you need that fresh tart variety. Either you take 100 of cherries, pit and juice them later or stack this super convenient juice as it makes life so much easy.

Then you need some simple syrup to match that tartness, (hang in there, this tart-sweet mix is amazing). So either make a homemade simple syrup or buy a store-bought option. Add in some fresh lime/lemon juice and a splash or two of your favorite vodka. The choice is unlimited to some really strong ones to milder ones.

I have a TIP here:

The vodka potency/level depends on the time of day the drink is served or with whom I’m sharing it with. If it’s a brunch scene, then definitely milder vodka as you’d do a couple of rounds. If it’s evening or just you two on a stressful day, just increase the vodka potency.

Just mix all these things in a high cocktail jar and shake everything to make a smooth blend. Pour, Serve & Enjoy!


  Tried Our Recipe – AWESOME!!! Now Quickly SNAP A PICTURE & TAG : #easycookingwithmolly +  @easycookingwithmolly on Instagram –> Connect with Me Here:  Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram  


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