Country: P for Philippines Dish: Guinisang Mongo (Mung Beans & Tomato) We are going to Philippines today. One of my very dear friend is from Philippines and she was really kind enough to send me today’s recipe that I followed to the ‘T’. Philippines is an island country in Southeast Asia. It is 64th largest country in the world, but is the 12th most populated country, making it quite densely populated country. I didn’t know until recently that Filipino American community is the second largest Asian American group in the United States (after Chinese). I thought Indian community was much larger, but I guess I was wrong. I have had Filipino colleagues in all of my jobs and from what I learnt from them is that they DO NOT like spicy food and they go bonkers when they eat Indian food – it is way too spicy for them. Their cuisine has Hispanic, Chinese, American and other Asian influences. Popular dishes include adobo, sinangang, lumpia and halo-halo. Common ingredients include coconuts, mangoes, milkfish and fish sauce.
Today’s is very simple and pretty straight forward using Mung beans. It is mildly flavored with garlic, salt and pepper, but it tasted awesome with some rice. You can eat it as such as a light salad also.