The season for pies is upon us.  Pumpkin pie, apple pie, blueberry pie— I suspect I’ll see handmade varieties of all three (and then some) around my grandmother’s table for Thanksgiving next month, and I’m looking forward to it, though not quite as much as I’m looking forward to the company. And while I love these classics and everything they stand for –togetherness, tradition, festivity, family,–I’ve never been a huge pie person, usually opting for other, more chocolatey desserts (chocolate pie would be fine!) when given the opportunity.  

But, when I discovered galettes, everything somehow changed.  My perspective shifted, and while I still often pass on the pie, I have something of an addiction for their cousin–these small, single-serving-sized fruit filled galettes. Perhaps it’s because I decided to make them miniature, and I have such an affinity for mini desserts. Perhaps it’s because of their high crust-to-filling ratio, (I adore their buttery, flaky crust, what I also love about my apple turnovers). Maybe it’s the homemade caramel sauce drizzle or Nutella covered base. Perhaps it’s because they’re so forgiving in their assembly–beautiful in their rustic imperfections.   If you haven’t encountered a galette recipe (←check that link for a how-to on making full-sized with any fruit filling!) before you should know that they are, very simply, free-form pies of French origins.  They are not difficult to make (easier than a regular apple pie) with a crust made of 6 basic ingredients processed in a food processor.  There’s also much less pressure when making galettes than there is when making a pie–with galettes there’s no need to fuss over making things look pretty–their beauty lies in the rustic unevenness of a hand-folded crust. The filling I chose for these particular galettes is one of well-caramelized apples, drenched and infused with a sticky sweet homemade caramel sauce.  The excess caramel sauce is then brushed over the crust and sprinkled with turbinado sugar (or just regular granulated sugar, if you’re lacking), for a caramelized, candied flavor in every bite. I also chose to spread chocolate-hazelnut Nutella over the base for a subtle flavor enhancement to the galettes, and it pairs wonderfully with the soft, caramelized apples.  You can omit this if you don’t happen to have any Nutella stowed away in your cabinet, but I recommend including it as it lends a richer, nutty flavor to the galettes.

If you’re looking for something slightly different to grace your family table this Fall season, I highly recommend trying out these galettes.  They go wonderfully with generously portioned scoops of vanilla ice cream and heavy-handed drizzles of caramel sauce, as well.

More Recipes to Try:

Apple Fritters Apple Dumplings Apple Crisp Pecan Pie


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