Kutti ki Kadhi is also known as Kutti ki Sabzi / Vrat ke Aloo
Navratri season is in full swing (special 9 day to worship Indian Goddess) and this kuttu ki kadhi is one of our favorite recipes during the festive season.
What is Kutti ki Kadhi:
It’s basically a curry made using kuttu atta (buckwheat flour), along with potatoes. The combination is simmered along with basic Indian spices for few seconds. The result is a thick bubbly and delicious kadhi / sabzi.
What is Needed for Kuttu ki Kadhi / Vrat ke Aloo
My recipe is really simple and comes together in 15 minutes using: Kuttu Atta (Buckwheat Flour) Boiled Potatoes Plain Yogurt Indian Spices: turmeric, chili powder and sendha namak (Indian salt)
This is an old post that was written in September 2014 and I’m updating it with new pictures and updated recipe today (April 09, 2019). You can also Try other Navratri Recipes here:
For many of my friends n readers who are new to these wishes/festivity, it literally means “Nav = Nine & Ratri = Nights”. It’s the celebration of 9 nights and 10 days where we worship & welcome “Goddess Durga” (Also known as Shakti – the destroyer of evil) with her children to her maternal home on earth. It’s also the beginning of good days and the onset of winter festivals in India, celebrated in different ways n passion in every state. For more information, please Click Here That being said, many of us also fast as a part of the celebration, worship, and way of attaining mind-body peace (Don’t eat grain) for these 9 days and cook food without onion and garlic. So here’s first of my favorite recipe for the “Navratri Special Meals” – It can be made in advance and enjoyed with the whole family even if you’re not fasting. I’m making this Kuttu kadhi from buckwheat flour (Benefits of Buckwheat) to go with my Kuttu ka Dosa above. And as we say in India to begin this festivity: “Jai Mata Di – Hail Goddess Durga” Wishing you all a very “Happy Navratri” – May Goddess Durga Bless us with Peace, Prosperity, Health and Happiness. Serves: 4 People Serving Suggestion: Serve Hot or Cold along with flatbread/rice/bread Tools: Large Non-Stick Pot Ingredients: 1 Small Tomato – Chopped into small pieces 4 Large Boiled Potato – Cut into bite size pieces 4 Tbsp Plain Yogurt – You can use any variety from fat-free to full fat 3 Tbsp Buckwheat Flour – Easily available in all Indian grocery stores 1 Cup Water 2 Tbsp Olive Oil – You may use any flavorless oil of choice Spices: 1/2 Tsp Red Chili Powder – Optional 1/2 Tsp Salt (As per your taste) Method:
Heat oil in a large pot over high. Add chopped tomatoes, spices, and stir evenly. (Reduce the heat to low) Now cook the tomatoes till the water evaporates and the tomatoes are cooked and mashed. (3mins) Add the buckwheat flour, stir for 2mins and add the potatoes. Cook everything for 2 more mins. Now add yogurt, water, and stir evenly to avoid any lumps. Cook over low heat for 2-3mins. After cooking this mixture for 3mins, it will resemble a thick even consistency, now turn off the heat.
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Add chopped tomatoes, spices, and stir evenly. (Reduce the heat to low) Now cook the tomatoes till the water evaporates and the tomatoes are cooked and mashed. (3mins) Add the buckwheat flour, stir for 2mins and add the potatoes. Cook everything for 2 more mins. Now add yogurt, water, and stir evenly to avoid any lumps. Cook over low heat for 2-3mins. After cooking this mixture for 3mins, it will resemble a thick even consistency, now turn off the heat. Sendha Namak * is an Indian salt used during fasting. You can easily substitute it with any regular salt.