What a journey it was? The month April, just went in a flash. For me the month started off with a bang, err a fender-bender. Nothing major, but the stress of following up with insurance, auto body shop was huge. More than that, it kind of shook me and I felt it has sucked all my road skills. Things are normal now. Then came my travel, work, stalls and fairs for IMC, Vaandu’s Music program. Also our family visited us last weekend. Amidst of all these, I don’t know how I managed, but I survived :-) There cannot be a mega marathon without some drama right? LOL. It was hectic and stressful but at the same time I enjoyed this TN journey a lot. Thanks a lot to all my readers, friends and other bloggers who constantly encouraged me and supported me. I started to participate in these month-long marathons from last April. It was all baking last year and then in September is was buffet on the table where I got a chance to explore other new cuisines. You can find the round-up here. Without any delay, here is the round-up of this marathon.. Here is the Pinterest board that you can follow and get all the recipes. Please click the below image to follow the board.
Please click the image to view the individual recipe.
A-Z | TamilNadu Cuisine