“Where did you get those muffin liners?” I get this question all. the. time. from people who have made my chocolate chip muffins or my banana nut muffins. Honestly. you can buy muffin liners made out of parchment paper. I think they’re often called tulip liners or something like that and they’re a bit more expensive than your standard white, ridged muffin liners. I’ve never bought them, though, I just make mine out of parchment paper. Usually out of necessity because I’ve forgotten to stock up on those standard white liners, but I have to admit that they do add a bakery-esque touch to your muffins. Since so many of you have asked I decided to make a short tutorial with pictures (there’s also a brief video at the bottom of the post, too).
What You Need:
Parchment paper. white or brown will work. Scissors. A small can. You want a can that fits snugly into your muffin tin. A can of tomato paste works perfectly for most standard muffin or cupcake tins. A ruler. Not entirely necessary and you can approximate if you don’ t have one! If you happen to have at least one standard muffin liner lying around you can use that as a rough guide for cutting out your parchment squares instead.
How to Make Baking Liners
That’s it! Fill with muffin or cupcake batter and bake as indicated!
Now you have the liners, here are a few muffins to try them out!
Basic Muffin Recipe (with so many add-in options!) Banana Muffins Chocolate Muffins Apple Crumb Muffins Pumpkin Muffins