Homemade Monkey Bread

I am guessing you’re no stranger to monkey bread. If you’re lucky, your childhood was like mine and you spent many mornings cutting up pre-made biscuit dough, rolling it through cinnamon and sugar, and all-but drooling in front of the oven while it baked. Let’s not forget the scalding burns from dripping hot oozing caramel sauce all over yourself because you just can’t wait another second for that first bite.

As much as I campaign for from-scratch recipes, I really can’t knock the original Pillsbury monkey bread version. Not too much, anyway. It’s genius, quick, easy, and it just tastes like nostalgia. But… if I’m being honest, nostalgia doesn’t always taste quite as good as from-scratch. And while there’s a time and place for the quick & easy version, you know I’m here to tell you that homemade is the way to go. A lot of homemade monkey bread versions use yeast to make the dough, but considering the OG Monkey Bread recipe is made with biscuit dough (which does NOT use yeast), that just didn’t seem right to me. Instead, I set about modifying my own popular biscuit recipe to work as the base for this monkey bread. Much easier than using yeast, and the results did a better job of mimicking the texture and buttery flavor of the original (but, you know, better).

How to Make Monkey Bread from Scratch

How Can I Tell if My Monkey Bread is Done Baking?

There’s a lot of dough in your bundt pan, so it can be tricky knowing for sure whether all of your monkey bread pieces are cooked all the way through. Personally I like to use a long wooden skewer and pierce through a few pieces to the bottom, making sure my skewer doesn’t come out doughy. Since the monkey bread is much too hot to actually remove a piece and test it at this point, it’s sometimes helpful to use the skewer (or a toothpick, or even a knife) to move a few pieces around a bit to check that they don’t seem under-baked or too doughy.


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Let’s bake together! Check out my how to make Monkey Bread video at the bottom of the recipe! If you enjoy watching, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel! I originally published this Monkey Bread recipe 10/19/2015. Since then I have updated the recipe and photos to improve them and have also added a video and notes that I hope are helpful. My original recipe also used a splash of bourbon in the glaze (hence why the url is “drunken monkey bread”). Feel free to add a bit of bourbon (to taste) if you’d like!

Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 70Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 60Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 97Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 23Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 57Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 11Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 20Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe  No Yeast   - 11