This Glazed Mini Pumpkin Pie Spice Bundt Cake is my official start to the festive season of fall. I’m a huge pumpkin pie/pumpkin spice flavor fan and wait the entire year to start my yearly quota of everything pumpkin!! This year, the fun started a little earlier than expected …Yes!! The feeling was literally like ‘a Kid in a candy store’ !!! We love International Delight® coffee creamers not only in our everyday coffee (/tea) but, I also use them in baking. If you’ve never tried that, then you should do that right away as it enhances the flavor of the baked good so much more. Here are some notes on both these flavors:
International Delight® Pumpkin Pie Spice and International Delight® Sugar-Free Pumpkin Pie Spice: “A creamy swirl of seasonal spice flavors inspired by pumpkin pie.” International Delight® REESE’S Peanut Butter Cup: “Is there a REESE’s Peanut Butter cup in your mug? There should be.”
As you can see, here are the creamers that I just bought and I couldn’t wait to get started and what better recipe than Mini Pumpkin Pie Spice Bundt Cake 🙂 So, I made myself some piping hot coffee and added the International Delight® REESE’S Peanut Butter Cup creamer and started with baking the cake. Since, we both love cake, I usually bake small versions or mini cakes, as it’s easier to finish and also easier to send to friends and family.
The recipe is absolutely easy and just like baking any other mini cake. The only difference is that we replace any flavor (chocolate/ fruits/nuts) with pure pumpkin puree and the International Delight® Pumpkin Pie Spice Coffee Creamer. That’s it, the rest of the process is the same and the cake bakes in no time (about 16-18 minutes). This cake will literally make your kitchen smell like fall has finally arrived. The sweet-fresh fragrance of pumpkin and just the aroma of cinnamon/nutmeg….. all fall favorites!
Once the cake, is done, cool them thoroughly before you start to glaze them (since I couldn’t wait, I had to try one mini cake as soon as it came out – the fragrance literally had me in the kitchen all the time).
If you thought the cake was easy peasy, wait till you see our magical ‘Pumpkin Pie Spice Glaze’ with actually no effort needed 🙂 All you do, is add 2 tbsp of the coffee creamer in powdered sugar and whisk to a smooth, lump-free consistency. The glaze can be made thick or thin by adding less or more of creamer. Also, if it crusts up during the application, simply add 1 drop of hot water and whisk. So, that’s how you can get this ‘Pumpkin Pie Spice Glaze’ with just 2 ingredients (you don’t even need any actual spice.)
Now, comes the most fun part, decorating the Mini Pumpkin Pie Spice Bundt Cake and I chose some frozen cranberries to go along with our glaze. I’m telling you, this one is super easy and it can impress anyone you serve them to. Simply add cranberries in the middle of the cake once the glaze is done.
You can even visit this —> International Delight® <— link for more inspiration for using their coffee creamers. Remember, It just doesn’t feel like the holidays without a splash of seasonal flavor. Stock up and make that merriment last!!! So, go ahead and stock up on these festive coffee creamers flavors and try this mini bundt cake recipe asap. —– Here’s a picture of where I found the creamers at Walmart (Dairy section) ——
Tried Our Recipe – AWESOME!!! Now Quickly SNAP A PICTURE & TAG : #easycookingwithmolly + @easycookingwithmolly on Instagram –> Connect with Me Here: Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Moist Almond Blueberry Coffee Cake (using Yogurt)
Mini Hot Chocolate Red Wine Cake (Super Moist Cake)
You can store the cake in the fridge for 2 days (glaze kept separately) or freeze in ziplock bags for upto 2 weeks.