Nothing compares to waking up to the smell of freshly made pancakes and coffee. ‘Pancakes for Breakfast’ works like magic for us on days when we are not gulping smoothies… I’d say my heart always wishes for a pancake even when I’m drinking my favorite smoothie 😉 and this is my best bet. Especially when I’m cleaning the fridge or left with no-eggs.
The Ingredients for our Fluffy Eggless Pancake Recipe:
All-Purpose Flour Buttermilk or Yogurt, whichever version you are using Baking Powder + Baking Soda Sugar Vanilla Extract Water Olive Oil Fruits & Syrup, for decoration
Also, there have been days when we used up all the eggs in some entree or dinner and are left with none the next morning but we want to eat pancakes – you get the point!!
That’s exactly when this recipe comes most handy and on occasion when I go ‘OFF’ eggs/meat for weeks (just a detox). Also, there are a lot of our friends/family, who don’t eat eggs and this recipe is one of their favorite breakfast recipes.
So I decided to make these Fluffy Eggless Pancakes Recipe two ways, 1st using Buttermilk and 2nd using yogurt. No matter which way you make them, it comes out delicious everytime. So, definitely try the Fluffy Eggless Pancakes Recipe using these basic kitchen ingredients and enjoy with loved ones. Tried Our Recipe – AWESOME!!! Now Quickly SNAP A PICTURE & TAG : #easycookingwithmolly + @easycookingwithmolly on Instagram –> Connect with Me Here: Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
Okonomiyaki – Japanese Cabbage Pancakes
Coconut Matcha Green Tea Pancakes (Vegan-Glutenfree)
Lemon Poffertjes – Mini Dutch Pancakes