So here is the challenge and the  rules: Rules for the Challenge: Before you read my poem (????) I will challenge other bloggers.

Freaky Veggie Maya Bingo’s Mom Tharani Pop Goes the Biscuit Pins and Ashes Green Boochi Pepper

  Errrr here is my so called poem and thoughts behind those sentences. I would like to start with Mahatma’s quote. Where there is love there is life. And now my own Where there is love there is music Now love with related to tastes Love should be sweet as honey so that it lets us to bond with our loved ones in our life Love should be sour as mango so that it adds flavour to our life Love should be salty as salt so that it allows chemistry in our life Love should be hot as chilly so that it gives the perfect kick to our life Love should be bitter at times like bitter gourd so that it gives a chance to retrospect our life Now coming to the funny part.. Love is the weapon that helped Harry Potter to win Lord Voldemort. So from Voldemort’s perspective Love can be dangerous too And finally Love you like a love song baby is one of my favorite song ;-) I love one of vaandi’s rhyme which says “Love is in air feel it”. Thats my favorite quote. Hope I haven’t killed love. :-) :-) Err thanks for reading. Here is that beautiful love you like a love song baby by Selana Gomez.


Challenge   Love in ten sentences - 54