Often during the holidays, we crave those delicious pies/cakes or other desserts but often lack the time/energy to make them. sometimes, it’s just pure ‘too heavy/rich’ feeling that we end up not eating these pies. That’s exactly when these Swirled Pumpkin Pie with Pecans comes most handy. They are definitely a healthier option and with just 4 main ingredients, they are totally hard to miss 🙂 (I finished 2 of these mini pies right after clicking this picture).
I’m also one of that pumpkin lover person, who’s always looking for a new pumpkin flavored yet lighter products to eat. Seriously, with all the holiday nosh, it’s always helpful to watch what we eat. That’s how I came across these Dannon® Oikos® Light & Fit® Pumpkin Pie Greek Yogurt® at Walmart and we ended up buying a lot of them. They are making a great mid-afternoon snack as is but then I decided to use them into these 10 Minutes Swirled Pumpkin Pie with Pecans.
Isn’t Pecans+Pumpkin+Cinnamon just made for each other flavors? They taste so delicious together and if you haven’t tried them before, you NEED to make these super yumm pies to experience that deliciousness. Here’s where we found the ingredients at Walmart (Dairy Section):
Also, remember to visit ‘EffortlessPies.com‘ for more flavorful inspiration and they also have the following ibotta offer going on, so definitely grab your coupons before you head to Walmart: Buy 4 Dannon singles of Light & Fit OR Oikos, earn $1.00 Buy (2) Reddi-Wip cans, earn $0.75. Bonus: purchase both and earn an additional $0.50 As for me, I’m going back to nosh on my 3rd mini pie and I almost forgot, can you imagine making these easy-peasy no-bake pies with kids – Oh My Gosh That would be such a fun family activity with a super yummy result. Until Next Time ~ XoXo
Tried Our Recipe – AWESOME!!! Now Quickly SNAP A PICTURE & TAG : #easycookingwithmolly + @easycookingwithmolly on Instagram –> Connect with Me Here: Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram